"I Was Pregnant 7 Times - I Only Have 3 Children"
"I Was Pregnant 7 Times - I Only Have 3 Children"
Almost The First Abortion of Wisconsin
Almost The First Abortion of Wisconsin
 Date | Location: September 2024, New York, NY
Art As Education = Activism
Art As Education = Activism
 Date | Location: January 2024, Washington D.C.
 Date | Location: September 2024, New York, NY
 Date | Location: September 2024, New York, NY
 Date | Location: July 2024, Green Bay, WI
 Date | Location: July 2024, Green Bay, WI
"I Might Not Survive Another Pregnancy"
"I Might Not Survive Another Pregnancy"
An Incomparable Choice
An Incomparable Choice
 Date | Location: July 2024, Green Bay, WI
 Date | Location: September 2024, New York, NY
 Date | Location: September 2024, New York, NY
 Date | Location: January 2024, Washington D.C.
WWAAF_2024_Green Bay,WI_3908 (DSCF6894).jpg
 Date | Location: September 2024, New York, NY
 Date | Location: September 2024, New York, NY
"I Was Pregnant 7 Times - I Only Have 3 Children"
"I Was Pregnant 7 Times - I Only Have 3 Children"Dr. Kristin Lyerly, an OB-GYN running for Congress in Wisconsin, extends empathy, compassion and listening as a constituent recounts the unique complications of each individual pregnancy, testifying to how there would be no way she'd survive in the current treatment of pregnant women. With doctors fearing criminal punishment, legal liability, and loss of their licenses, circumstances regarding terminating dangerous pregnancies have become incredibly murky and deadly.Date | Location: July 2024, Green Bay, WI
Almost The First Abortion of Wisconsin
Almost The First Abortion of WisconsinGail, a woman I met during my time in Wisconsin, shared her story regarding her unexpected pregnancy during her college years, when abortion was only just legalized across the country. Her doctor had his sights set on performing the first abortion ever in the state, and attempted to pressure Gail into terminating her pregnancy so he could lay claim to that accolade - she ultimately chose to keep the pregnancy despite his repeated attempts to coerce her decision. A reaffirmation in the critical importance of honoring a woman's right to choice, no matter which side you attempt to apply pressure from.Date | Location: July 2024, Stevenson Island, WI
 Date | Location: September 2024, New York, NY
Date | Location: September 2024, New York, NY
Art As Education = Activism
Art As Education = ActivismPortrait made of abortion activist and artist Sanna Legan during a traveling exhibition focused on bodily autonomy that features her zines as part of the exhibit. The exhibit also includes the powerful graphic work of the esteemed Barbara Kruger (the actual backdrop of this portrait), and the confronting work of Michele Pred, another prominent abortion activist and artist - multiple generations of women coming together to prevent going back in time on women's rights. Date | Location: September 2024, New York, NY
 Date | Location: January 2024, Washington D.C.
Date | Location: January 2024, Washington D.C.
 Date | Location: September 2024, New York, NY
Date | Location: September 2024, New York, NY
 Date | Location: September 2024, New York, NY
Date | Location: September 2024, New York, NY
 Date | Location: July 2024, Green Bay, WI
Date | Location: July 2024, Green Bay, WI
 Date | Location: July 2024, Green Bay, WI
Date | Location: July 2024, Green Bay, WI
"I Might Not Survive Another Pregnancy"
"I Might Not Survive Another Pregnancy"Kristie, another mother I met in Wisconsin, whose life would become incredibly at risk with any additional pregnancy - after the birth of her two boys, she was hospitalized for a blood clot. Pregnancy itself is now inherently life-endangering, no matter which way she should choose to handle it. With something as complicated as childbirth, no one can better understand the complexities of her circumstances better than the woman in question, and why it should be a decision that is hers and hers alone.Date | Location: July 2024, Green Bay, WI
An Incomparable Choice
An Incomparable ChoiceAndrea, a woman I connected with in Wisconsin, recounts her abortion story to me over coffee. Despite an absence of regret regarding her decision, and an acknowledgement of how that choice honored her needs most in that moment, the decision is not made without heavy consideration and complex emotions that one cannot truly understand until facing it themselves.Date | Location: July 2024, Green Bay, WI
 Date | Location: July 2024, Green Bay, WI
Date | Location: July 2024, Green Bay, WI
 Date | Location: September 2024, New York, NY
Date | Location: September 2024, New York, NY
 Date | Location: September 2024, New York, NY
Date | Location: September 2024, New York, NY
 Date | Location: January 2024, Washington D.C.
Date | Location: January 2024, Washington D.C.
WWAAF_2024_Green Bay,WI_3908 (DSCF6894).jpg
 Date | Location: September 2024, New York, NY
Date | Location: September 2024, New York, NY
 Date | Location: September 2024, New York, NY
Date | Location: September 2024, New York, NY
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