Right To Private Property (Except When It's Your Body)Along the highway in rural Iowa - Nothing screams advocating for smaller government like legislating the interior experience of the female body. The hypocritical irony of concurrent signage.Date | Location: April 2023, along the highway in Iowa
Genesis 3:16Blatant Christian iconography outside of a prominently displayed pregnancy crisis center in Atlanta, GA that is impossible to miss. It sits only one building down from the actual abortion clinic, which is completely nondescript, hiding in plain sight with no identifiable signage as necessary protection - a common occurrence between legitimate clinics and anti-choice motivated resources. Taken September 2023.
Date | Location: April 2023, along the highway in NE
Christian Country IIAn 8ft tall illuminated cross on the side of Interstate 80 in rural Nebraska; photographed while driving across the state to Chicago. Taken April 2023.
Christian Country IThe prominent christian iconography found along the Tennessee highway, deep in the bible belt. An omnipresent reminder that the separation between church and state is continually being eroded in the United States, at the expense of women's health.Date | Location: September 2023, Chattanooga, TN
Date | Location: October 2021, Santa Teresa, NM
Date | Location: September 2023, Charlotte, NC
The Religious RightAn abortion protestor's vehicle outside of the sole clinic in Mississippi. A clear indicator of the blurring of the line separating church and state.Date | Location: May 2022, Jackson, MS
Cocky RiligionA religious protestor cockily mocking supporters of pro-choice advocates and potential patients outside of an abortion clinic in Baton Rouge, LA - a daily experience at clinics. Louisiana was inundated with TX women seeking abortions at the time of this photo; abortion is now banned entirely there. Taken May 2022.
Bible Banging BeltOne of the appropriate accompanying props of the anti-abortion right wing movement - religious paraphernalia (that ironically enough descibe ethical tennants these protestors never seem to quite embody - love thy neighbor, for instance). Taken in Jackson, MS, May 2022.
Works Of GodA billboard less than one mile away from one of the clinics in Omaha, NE, representative of the consistently intentional and strategic placements of anti-abortion propaganda in the immediate vacinity of the abortion clinics. Taken April 2023.
False Witness Against Thy NeighborThe landscaped exterior of a pregnancy crisis center in Denver, CO, directly across the street from a local Planned Parenthood. This convenient and intentional location choice is a common tactic of the anti-choice movement, in an effort to mislead and dissuade women seeking treatment. Taken April 2023.
Always Ever-PresentA common sight along southern highways; an omnipresent christian campaign on billboards all along the arterial highways. Taken September 2023.
Gifts From *Your* God (Not Mine)A protestors' vehicle parked outside of an abortion clinic in Dayton, Ohio. While talking with these protestors, they repeatedly spouted substantial medical misinformation, including but not limited to: the ability to reverse an abortion (which has been significantly debunked by medical professionals), abortion raising a woman's risk of developing breast cancer (also debunked), and the ability to re-implant an egg from an ectopic pregnancy in the uterus (also debunked). Taken September 2023.