Separation of Church & State
Along the highway in rural Iowa - Nothing screams advocating for smaller government like legislating the interior experience of the female body. The hypocritical irony of concurrent signage.
Date | Location: April 2023, along the highway in Iowa
Blatant Christian iconography outside of a prominently displayed pregnancy crisis center in Atlanta, GA that is impossible to miss. It sits only one building down from the actual abortion clinic, which is completely nondescript, hiding in plain sight with no identifiable signage as necessary protection - a common occurrence between legitimate clinics and anti-choice motivated resources. Taken September 2023.
Date | Location: April 2023, along the highway in NE
An 8ft tall illuminated cross on the side of Interstate 80 in rural Nebraska; photographed while driving across the state to Chicago. Taken April 2023.
The prominent christian iconography found along the Tennessee highway, deep in the bible belt. An omnipresent reminder that the separation between church and state is continually being eroded in the United States, at the expense of women's health.
Date | Location: September 2023, Chattanooga, TN
Date | Location: October 2021, Santa Teresa, NM
Date | Location: September 2023, Charlotte, NC
An abortion protestor's vehicle outside of the sole clinic in Mississippi. A clear indicator of the blurring of the line separating church and state.
Date | Location: May 2022, Jackson, MS
A religious protestor cockily mocking supporters of pro-choice advocates and potential patients outside of an abortion clinic in Baton Rouge, LA - a daily experience at clinics. Louisiana was inundated with TX women seeking abortions at the time of this photo; abortion is now banned entirely there. Taken May 2022.
One of the appropriate accompanying props of the anti-abortion right wing movement - religious paraphernalia (that ironically enough descibe ethical tennants these protestors never seem to quite embody - love thy neighbor, for instance). Taken in Jackson, MS, May 2022.
A billboard less than one mile away from one of the clinics in Omaha, NE, representative of the consistently intentional and strategic placements of anti-abortion propaganda in the immediate vacinity of the abortion clinics. Taken April 2023.
The landscaped exterior of a pregnancy crisis center in Denver, CO, directly across the street from a local Planned Parenthood. This convenient and intentional location choice is a common tactic of the anti-choice movement, in an effort to mislead and dissuade women seeking treatment. Taken April 2023.
A common sight along southern highways; an omnipresent christian campaign on billboards all along the arterial highways. Taken September 2023.
A protestors' vehicle parked outside of an abortion clinic in Dayton, Ohio. While talking with these protestors, they repeatedly spouted substantial medical misinformation, including but not limited to: the ability to reverse an abortion (which has been significantly debunked by medical professionals), abortion raising a woman's risk of developing breast cancer (also debunked), and the ability to re-implant an egg from an ectopic pregnancy in the uterus (also debunked). Taken September 2023.
Where Women Aren’t As Free chronicles the continuing battle over women's bodily autonomy and the erosion of abortion rights across the United States.
We, The Women
Dr. Kristin Lyerly, an OB-GYN running for Congress in Wisconsin, extends empathy, compassion and listening as a constituent recounts the unique complications of each individual pregnancy, testifying to how there would be no way she'd survive in the current treatment of pregnant women. With doctors fearing criminal punishment, legal liability, and loss of their licenses, circumstances regarding terminating dangerous pregnancies have become incredibly murky and deadly.
Date | Location: July 2024, Green Bay, WI
Gail, a woman I met during my time in Wisconsin, shared her story regarding her unexpected pregnancy during her college years, when abortion was only just legalized across the country. Her doctor had his sights set on performing the first abortion ever in the state, and attempted to pressure Gail into terminating her pregnancy so he could lay claim to that accolade - she ultimately chose to keep the pregnancy despite his repeated attempts to coerce her decision. A reaffirmation in the critical importance of honoring a woman's right to choice, no matter which side you attempt to apply pressure from.
Date | Location: July 2024, Stevenson Island, WI
Date | Location: September 2024, New York, NY
Portrait made of abortion activist and artist Sanna Legan during a traveling exhibition focused on bodily autonomy that features her zines as part of the exhibit. The exhibit also includes the powerful graphic work of the esteemed Barbara Kruger (the actual backdrop of this portrait), and the confronting work of Michele Pred, another prominent abortion activist and artist - multiple generations of women coming together to prevent going back in time on women's rights.
Date | Location: September 2024, New York, NY
Date | Location: January 2024, Washington D.C.
Date | Location: September 2024, New York, NY
Date | Location: September 2024, New York, NY
Date | Location: July 2024, Green Bay, WI
Date | Location: July 2024, Green Bay, WI
Kristie, another mother I met in Wisconsin, whose life would become incredibly at risk with any additional pregnancy - after the birth of her two boys, she was hospitalized for a blood clot. Pregnancy itself is now inherently life-endangering, no matter which way she should choose to handle it. With something as complicated as childbirth, no one can better understand the complexities of her circumstances better than the woman in question, and why it should be a decision that is hers and hers alone.
Date | Location: July 2024, Green Bay, WI
Andrea, a woman I connected with in Wisconsin, recounts her abortion story to me over coffee. Despite an absence of regret regarding her decision, and an acknowledgement of how that choice honored her needs most in that moment, the decision is not made without heavy consideration and complex emotions that one cannot truly understand until facing it themselves.
Date | Location: July 2024, Green Bay, WI
Date | Location: July 2024, Green Bay, WI
Date | Location: September 2024, New York, NY
Date | Location: September 2024, New York, NY
Date | Location: January 2024, Washington D.C.
Date | Location: September 2024, New York, NY
Date | Location: September 2024, New York, NY
I did not ask to be born nor blessed with this body - I never had a say in whether or not my form carried the communal consequences for the acts of two. I never asked for the privilege of a body that bares children, it was thrust upon me like blue eyes or white skin or blonde hair; inherent from my conception, biologically unchangeable, unquestionably inevitable, genetically undeniable. From the first breaths I took on this earth, it was pre-determined that my body would rebel against my own personal preferences, my dreams and intentions; it carries a mind of its own, an instinctual species survival mechanism I never wished for. For some it is an immeasurable blessing, but for those of us not ready or not willing, it is a nearly unbearable burden.
The “Pro-Life” Protestors
A religious protestor cockily mocking supporters of pro-choice advocates and potential patients outside of an abortion clinic in Baton Rouge, LA - a daily experience at clinics. Lousiana was inundated with TX women seeking abortions at the time of this photo; abortion is now banned entirely there.
Date | Location: May 2022, Baton Rouge, LA
Something I've experienced repeatedly with these protestors - intimidation tactics. Not only do they photograph my face aggressively once they realize I do not support their efforts, they also have photographed my license plate in an attempt to scare me.
Date | Location: September 2023, Dayton, OH
A protestor (so conveniently and frequently men) violating the property boundary of the only abortion clinic (now closed) in Mississippi while shouting at clinic patients in the parking lot. Clinic escorts, as seen here, ensure protestors do not trespass - only patients are allowed on the premises.
Date | Location: May 2022, Jackson, MS
"Anyone have Alanis Morissette on speed dial? She's urgently needed for an impromptu performance of ""Ironic.""
A male protestor outside of the only abortion clinic in Jackson, Mississippi, which has since closed due to the fall of Roe v. Wade. A common demographic of protestors: men (who will never face this choice) & the elderly (who no longer are affected).
Date | Location: May 2022, Jackson, MS
Anti-abortion protestors and a clinic escort holding the tension between the public road and the private property entrance of the abortion clinic. The protestors frequently physically block the entrance to the parking lot, preventing patients from being able to access their medical care (regardless of what care or procedure).
Date | Location: May 2022, Jackson, MS
One of many male protestors outside of a clinic in Baton Rouge, LA, who were very combative and antagonistic, demeaning and insulting. A frequent experience has been one of patronizing moral superiority from old, male protestors when engaging with them outside of the clinics, particularly in the south.
Date | Location: May 2022, Baton Rouge, LA
A protestor harassing a patient in the clinic parking lot to come speak with him (as he cannot cross the property line), presumptuously assuming her to be seeking an abortion. Taken in Charlotte, NC.
Date | Location: September 2023, Charlotte, NC
A protestors' vehicle parked outside of an abortion clinic in Dayton, Ohio. While talking with these protestors, they repeatedly spouted substantial medical misinformation, including but not limited to: the ability to reverse an abortion (which has been significantly debunked by medical professionals), abortion raising a woman's risk of developing breast cancer (also debunked), and the ability to re-implant an egg from an ectopic pregnancy in the uterus (also debunked).
Date | Location: September 2023, Dayton, OH
Irony on a multitude of levels - a man, outside of women's health facility, protesting women's rights to bodily autonomy, exercising his right to privacy - the audacity. Taken outside of the Pink House, in Jackson, MS - the last (& now closed) abortion clinic in Mississippi.
Date | Location: May 2022, Jackson, MS
Anti-choice protestors outside of the then-sole abortion clinic in Jackson, MS. During the entirety of interacting with them, they both made it clear this was not really about protecting the lives of babies, but rather harassing women as their own form of entertainment - the left protestor purposefully hit me with his sign not long after this photo was taken.
Date | Location: May 2022, Jackson, MS
One of the appropriate accompanying props of the anti-abortion right wing movement - religious paraphernalia (that ironically enough descibe ethical tennants these protestors never seem to quite embody - love thy neighbor, for instance).
Date | Location: May 2022, Jackson, MS
Verbatim Discussion:
Her - "This is intimidation"
Me - "Like you're not intimidating patients? You harass women, I harass you"
Her: "I'm not harassing, I'm helping!"
Proceeds to immediately flag down car pulling into clinic driveway with frantically waving hands and pamphlets.
Date | Location: September 2023, Cincinnati, OH
A pastor outside of a clinic in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, who was very combative with me once he knew my personal opinion on the matter. He told me that I was a sinner and a slut, that I would go to hell, among many other derogatory things, as well as that a woman should happily and willingly sacrifice her life in a complicated or life-threatening pregnancy.
Date | Location: May 2022, Baton Rouge, LA
The facial expression equivalent of "bless your heart" from a southerner. A condescension via a religious sense of superiority.
Date | Location: September 2023, Charlotte, NC
A religious zealot waving his poster outside of the only (and now defunct) abortion clinic in Mississippi. The microphone he's seen wearing is connected to an enormous speaker through which he blares his preaching across the walls surrounding the clinic at women seeking medical support.
There's no such thing as a right to medical privacy when it comes to going to an abortion facility. Nearly every vehicle is blocked by protestors, who then attempt to bombard the driver &/or passengers with pamphlets and inauthentic requests to "talk." These same cars then struggle to also leave the lot, and frequently, photos of their license plates are taken by these protestors.
Date | Location: May 2022, Jackson, MS
Since protestors are not allowd to physically cross onto the clinic property, some take it upon themselves to bring their own speakers, through which they scream obsenities and sexist terms at, or to read biblical texts and passages to patients on the other side of the wall.
Date | Location: May 2022, Jackson, MS
A protestor outside of a clinic in Dayton, OH, yelling across the parking lot to a patient waiting for her Uber ride. Many patients are from out-of-state, now that West Virginia, Indiana, Kentucky, & Tennessee have all completely outlawed abortion.
Date | Location: September 2023, Dayton, OH
Because nothing screams misogynistic and patriarchal tendencies like 3 old cis white men trying to gang up and bully a young woman documenting their attacks on her (& all women's) bodily autonomy.
Date | Location: May 2022, Baton Rouge, LA
An abortion protestor's vehicle outside of the sole clinic in Mississippi. A clear indicator of the blurring of the line separating church and state.
Date | Location: May 2022, Jackson, MS
A moment of action caught on camera - whenever a woman comes oustide of the clinic, these protestors in Dayton, OH are quick to jump up and race to the parking lot entrance, in an effort to deter women from pursuing abortions.
Date | Location: September 2023, Dayton, OH
The scene I've watched play out over and over again outside so many clinics across this country. Why is a patient's right to safety and privacy not actually respected in this country?
Date | Location: May 2022, Baton Rouge, LA
Date | Location: May 2022, Jackson, MS
Date | Location: May 2022, Baton Rouge, LA
Date | Location: May 2022, Jackson, MS
Date | Location: September 2023, Dayton, OH
Date | Location: May 2022, Jackson, MS
Date | Location: September 2023, Charlotte, NC
Date | Location: September 2023, Charlotte, NC
Date | Location: May 2022, Baton Rouge, LA
Date | Location: May 2022, Baton Rouge, LA
Date | Location: September 2023, Dayton OH
Date | Location: May 2022, Baton Rouge, LA
Date | Location: September 2023, Dayton, OH
Date | Location: May 2022, Jackson, MS
Injury incurred by the older Mississippi fuckboi, who used his sign to repeatedly cut off and block my attemptsto photograph their activities, and ultimately drew blood with the edge of his posterboard.
Date | Location: May 2022, Jackson, MS
I remember: my coworkers in college debating the validity of my pro-choice stance, arguing the best birth control was to keep an aspirin between my knees; being debilitated by the side effects of a quarterly needle in my arm, depo provera leaching calcium from my bones, a type so severe they don’t advise taking that form of birth control for more than 2 years; sitting in the planned parenthood office, terrified that my rapist might have gotten me pregnant because in my inebriated state, he could have easily removed the condom; waiting 6 months to ask my doctor at the age of 30 about tubal ligation (she told me we could talk about it in a year or two) just to prove to a mansplainer how next to impossible it is to get permanent contraception unless you’re married or already have kids.
The Clinics
The visual remnants of an abortion clinic already shut down in El Paso, TX after the passage of Texas Senate Bill 8. The bill banned abortions as early as five weeks after the start of a patient's last menstrual cycle, effectively banning abortion in the state, with very limited exceptions.
Date | Location: October 2021, Austin, TX
The grounds of a then-recently-closed clinic, after Texas lawmakers passed legislation (the Texas Heartbeat Act) in May 2021, banning abortions as soon as fetal cardiac activity can be detected.
Date | Location: October 2021, El Paso, TX
Anti-abortion propaganda material stapled to a telephone pole outside of a Planned Parenthood in New Orleans, LA. After Texas banned abortion, New Orleans clinics were flooded with out-of-state patients who had their bodily autonomy rights stripped. Louisiana has since also outlawed abortion.
Date | Location: May 2022, New Orleans, LA
Signage outside of a now-closed abortion clinic in Austin, TX; because nothing makes a medical facility feel more inviting and safe than immensely threatening legal warnings upon entering the parking lot.
Date | Location: May 2022, Austin, TX
The extensive fencing, barriers, and walls outside of a still-practicing Planned Parenthood that no longer is providing abortion services in Austin, TX - a truly inviting and peaceful environmental experience for patients.
Date | Location: May 2022, Austin, TX
The extensive levels of security barring entry to a women's health center in Austin, TX, including but not limited to: electric gates, substantial video surveillance, and a bridge over a stream, utilized as a modern interpretation of a medieval moat.
Date | Location: May 2022, Austin, TX
One of many signs throughout a clinic parking lot overlooking the picnic area on the other side of the stream that naturally creates a protective barriar through means of a naturally-formed moat.
Date | Location: May 2022, Austin, TX
The modern day protective measures via landscaping made to ensure physical safety for the staff and the patients at a (now-defunct) clinic in Austin, TX.
Date | Location: May 2022, Austin, TX
The view from inside the parking lot of a clinic in Austin, TX. The fencing acts as a first layer of protection (in addition to security cameras & a gated bridge) blocking the parking lot from view of the busy road its entrance is on.
Date | Location: May 2022, Austin, TX
One of the many necessary measures abortion clinics have to take to ensure the safety of their patients and their staff. There have been 42 bombings and 186 arsons committed against clinics since 1977, as well as 17 attempted murders.
Date | Location: May 2022, Austin, TX
Mississippi's Pink House, the last, and now lost abortion clinic in the state of Mississippi. The former Jackson Women's Health Organization was purchased the pink-stucco building known as the Pink House shortly after the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade, to be turned into a consignment shop.
Date | Location: May 2022, Jackson, MS
The (unfortunately necessary) warning sign outside of a clinic in New Orleans, LA. Signs like these are often found outside of clinics due to the high freqency of threats leveraged against them.
Date | Location: May 2022, New Orleans, LA
The visual reminders of the ongoing argument outside of a clinic in New Orleans, LA. After talking to a clinic employee, I learned that Louisiana was seeing an overflow from other southern states as a cascade effect from women crossing state lines to get the treatment they seek. Abortion is now outlawed in Louisiana.
Date | Location: May 2022, New Orleans, LA
The sad reality of needing layers upon layers of security, for both staff & patient safety. Imagine if you needed to be buzzzed in or provided a security code in order to access your medical care - doesn't this sound insane to you yet? Taken in New Orleans, Lousiana.
Date | Location: May 2022, New Orleans, LA
The glimmer of sunset over the walls around a Planned Parenthood in Austin, TX, a visual representation of the concurrent loss of hope and attempt to maintain hope in dire circumstances. Limitations and restrictions run rampant, but optimism in the face of darkness.
Date | Location: May 2022, Austin, TX
The outside of a clinic in Santa Teresa, NM, just on the other side of the Texas/New Mexico border. After Texas initiated their abortion ban, clinics like this became a safe haven for pregnant persons seeking termination outside of Texas's jurisdiction.
Date | Location: October 2021, Santa Teresa, NM
A remnant that remains from past protestors outside of a clinic in New Orleans, Louisiana, Even when they aren't standing outside the clinics, their harassment and propaganda is ever-present.
Date | Location: May 2022, New Orleans, LA
A doctor emblazoning their name on the outside a clinic in Omaha, NE - an act of bravery and defiance, while also painting a target on his back. Because nothing screams "pro-life" like threatening and murdering medical professionals for honoring this healthcare, like has been done countless times to abortion providers.
Date | Location: April 2023, Omaha, NE
The entrance of a Planned Parenthood in Austin, TX; the clinic is still providing women's health services and actively practicing, but no longer providing abortion services to Texas women.
Date | Location: May 2022, Austin, TX
The (now for sale) building that was formerly an abortion clinic in El Paso, TX. After Texas lawmakers passed legislation (the Texas Heartbeat Act) in May 2021, essentially outlawing abortion, many clinics were forced to shutter their doors.
Date | Location: October 2021, El Paso, TX
The scene I've watched play out over and over again outside so many clinics across this country. Why is a patient's right to safety and privacy not actually respected in this country?
Date | Location: May 2022, Baton Rouge, LA
Since protestors are not allowd to physically cross onto the clinic property, some take it upon themselves to bring their own speakers, through which they scream obsenities and sexist terms at, or to read biblical texts and passages to patients on the other side of the wall. Taken May 2022.
Date | Location: May 2022, Jackson, MS
White fake abortion clinics can blatantly and flagrantly display their promotional propaganda and deceiving decoys, some clinics go the route of being as undetectible or unidentifiable as possible. Taken in Atlanta, GA.
The consistent signage seen outside of abortion clinics throughout the country, a perpetual plea for respecting bodily autonomy.
Date | Location: September 2023, Atlanta, GA
The consistent signage seen outside of abortion clinics throughout the country, a perpetual plea for respecting bodily autonomy.
Date | Location: September 2023, Atlanta, GA
The consistent signage seen outside of abortion clinics throughout the country, a perpetual plea for respecting bodily autonomy.
Date | Location: September 2023, Greenville, SC
I remember: suffering a panic attack when my doctor discovered my IUD had pierced the back of my cervix 3 months into the Trump presidency, (when they were attempting to remove the birth control mandate), which would have left me incapable of affording ($600) the only form of contraception I can take due to pre-existing conditions; my ex-partner adamantly refusing to get a vasectomy, even though he was 10 years my senior (40) and explicitly did not want children, despite my desperation to be IUD-free due to the crippling pains that left me nearly collapsing on NYC sidewalks on my walks to the train repeatedly; having dozens upon dozens of people tell me since age 15 that I would change my mind nearly every single time I’ve expressed publicly, verbally, my innate lack of desire to ever have children - I am still hearing it now at 35 with infuriatingly consistent frequency.
The Faux Clinics
The landscaped exterior of a pregnancy crisis center in Denver, CO, directly across the street from a local Planned Parenthood. This convenient and intentional location choice is a common tactic of the anti-choice movement, in an effort to mislead and dissuade women seeking treatment.
Date | Location: April 2023, Denver, CO
One of many ant-chocie sentiments carved into the walkways of a fake clinic across the street from a Planned Parenthood in Denver, CO.
Date | Location: April 2023, Denver, CO
The interior yard of the pregnancy crisis center just across the street from one of the Planned Parenthoods in Denver, CO. There are multiple shadow box depictions of biblical scenes, multiple virgin mary statues, and dozens of engraved bricks on the walkway dedicated to pro-life sentiments.
Date | Location: April 2023, Denver, CO
Blatant Christian iconography outside of a prominently displayed pregnancy crisis center in Atlanta, GA that is impossible to miss. It sits only one building down from the actual abortion clinic, which is completely nondescript, hiding in plain sight with no identifiable signage as necessary protection - a common occurrence between legitimate clinics and anti-choice motivated resources.
Date | Location: September 2023, Atlanta, GA
The plaque displayed next to the entrance of a pregnancy crisis center in Atlanta, GA. This particular center is just one building over from the actual abortion clinic, sharing a communal parking lot.
Date | Location: September 2023, Atlanta, GA
Date | Location: September 2023, Atlanta, GA
One of the many engraved stones on the paved walkway of a pregnancy crisis center in Denver, CO, conveniently positioned across the street from the Planned Parenthood. Many of the written statements convey a heavily religious undertone.
Date | Location: April 2023, Denver, CO
Date | Location: September 2023, Atlanta, GA
Date | Location: September 2023, Dayton, OH
Date | Location: September 2023, Chattanooga, TN
Date | Location: September 2023, Chattanooga, TN
Date | Location: September 2023, Chattanooga, TN
Date | Location: September 2023, Chattanooga, TN
Date | Location: September 2023, Chattanooga, TN
I would gladly trade these ovaries in if it were that easy, but the fact of the matter is, it’s simply my biology. I love being a woman, embracing my femininity, and that doesn’t mean I need to carry with it a life-death-sentence where all my hopes and dreams are perpetually threatened by a procreative predisposition I never asked to have, a mother I never wanted to be. My body is not just a birthing chamber for your blessed babies; it is mine, and mine alone - it does not belong to you, not anybody but me. If it were an alien bursting out of my chest, or a tapeworm taking all my nutrients, you would have no problem calling it a monster out of a horror film or a parasite, but because we share the same genetic makeup, suddenly it has some claim to my skin, my body, the entirety of my being? What about my life, my invaluable contributions to society? I deserve every right a man has in his ability to predetermine his own destiny - no (cis)man has ever been forced to provide his body, wellbeing, life, and sustenance to support another entity, and I demand no less for any woman on this planet.
The Politicians
A perfectly petty response to the attempt at insulting single, childless women as societally irrelevant cat ladies; a fitting revenge at the constant attempts to shame women for embracing their bodily autonomy. Taken at a Kamala Harris rally in Wilkes-Barre, PA, July 2024.
Date | Location: September 2024, Wilkes-Barre, PA
"We who believe in reproductive freedom will stop Donald Trump's extreme abortion bans—because we trust women to make decisions about their bodies.
When Congress passes a law to restore reproductive freedoms, as President, I will sign it into law." - Vice President Kamala Harris during the 2024 presidential campaign regarding the battle for bodily autonomy.
Date | Location: September 2024, Wilkes-Barre, PA
A vibrant and enthusiastic crowd cheers on Kamala Harris after receiving their presidential candidate's stump speech in Wilkes-Barre, PA. One of the main topics covered was the critical need to restore Roe, to enshrine and protect women's reproductive rights, more critical in this election than it ever has been before.
Date | Location: September 2024, Wilkes-Barre, PA
Like Rosie the Riveter, women's contributions to society were disclaimed and discredited until the weight of women's work and words became undeniable during WWII. The 2024 presidential campaign serves as a reprisal of this historical refusal to acknowledge or respect women's power until it is undeniabe and unavoidable via the 'blue wave' of voting for abortion initiatives since the fall of Roe. Taken in Green Bay, WI, July 2024.
Date | Location: September 2024, Wilkes-Barre, PA
Dr. Kristin Lyerly, an OB-GYN running for Congress in Wisconsin, extends empathy, compassion and listening as a constituent recounts the unique complications of each individual pregnancy, testifying to how there would be no way she'd survive in the current treatment of pregnant women. With doctors fearing criminal punishment, legal liability, and loss of their licenses, circumstances regarding terminating dangerous pregnancies have become incredibly murky and deadly.
Date | Location: July 2024, Green Bay, WI
A quiet moment just after meeting one of the many wonderful women running for office in the wake of conservative values dominating legislation and politics across the nation. Running for State Senate in Wisconsin, Andi Rich hopes to shift republican-leaning voters by emphasizing her position on environmental issues (the farming industry is a major economic driver in the region), even if those constituents do not share her perspective on bodily autonomy.
Date | Location: July 2024, Green Bay, WI
Date | Location: July 2024, Green Bay, WI
Date | Location: July 2024, Milwaukee, WI
Date | Location: July 2024, Green Bay, WI
Date | Location: July 2024, Green Bay, WI
Date | Location: July 2024, Green Bay, WI
Date | Location: July 2024, Green Bay, WI
Date | Location: July 2024, Green Bay, WI
Date | Location: July 2024, Green Bay, WI
Date | Location: July 2024, Green Bay, WI
Date | Location: July 2024, Green Bay, WI
Date | Location: July 2024, Green Bay, WI
Date | Location: July 2024, Green Bay, WI
Date | Location: July 2024, Green Bay, WI
Date | Location: July 2024, Green Bay, WI
Date | Location: July 2024, Green Bay, WI
Date | Location: July 2024, Green Bay, WI
Date | Location: July 2024, Green Bay, WI
To be clear, I’ve never had an abortion, and if ever I found myself pregnant, I would get one, unquestionably, as I know it wouldn’t be due to my own irresponsibility. It would be because of so many other unfortunate circumstances like someone sexually violated me, potentially even a member of my family; my contraception failed, unbeknownst to me; my abuser took my birth control away from me as a way to maintain control over me; these are the sad circumstances that many women face, and no one should be forced to carry a pregnancy to term when they didn’t want it. Varicose veins, incontinence issues, losing teeth, damaged breast tissue, stretch marks, higher risk of developing diabetes, morning sickness, hemorrhoids, separated abdominal muscles, weaker orgasms, postpartum depression, melasma, decreased sex drives, permanent changes to the brain, hair loss, risk of hemorrhaging during birth, higher risk of death overall, chronic pain from c-sections, and don’t even get me started on the expenses ($30-50K) of pregnancy.
The Abortion Advocates
Nevermind the additional traumas that can be induced. Not even a decade ago, a rapist could pursue visitation and custody rights for a child born out of his criminal actions in 31 of our 50 states. Or how during that same time period, women seeking abortions were undergoing state sanctioned rapes via forced vaginal ultrasounds in the pursuit of ending their pregnancies. There will always be those who are not as conscientious or responsible when it comes to preventing a pregnancy, and no matter how that conception occurred, every woman has every right to pursue her happiness, especially if that pursuit is childless. Whether due to trauma or bad timing, it’s quite frankly none of your business. A woman has every right to make that choice - it is a decision I and I alone get to make.
Free Speech Vs. Propaganda
Along the highway in rural Iowa - Nothing screams advocating for smaller government like legislating the interior experience of the female body. The hypocritical irony of concurrent signage and doublethink mentalities.
Date | Location: April 2023, Rural IA
Wheatpaste signage found just outside of an abortion clinic in Pittsburgh, PA. Abortion access is in fact a racial issue - abortion restrictions disproportionately affect women of color, frequently forcing and trapping women of color and lower income women into poverty. The abortion rate for black women is nearly 5x that the rate of white women - in a country where black women's maternal mortality is already atrocious, we cannot afford to further endanger black bodies - black women's lives matter. However, the pro-life movement often co-opts this line of messaging for their own agenda by attempting to paint abortion as an attempt to 'exterminate the black community.'
Date | Location: September 2023, Pittsburgh, PA
Colorado, a sole safe haven for women in the western & southern parts of the United States, is one of the few states still allowing late-term abortions (which are most frequently non-viable pregnancies or deeply endangering the life of the mother - they are critically, medically necessary). This signage was encountered just after crossing the state's border, a clear attempt to discourage women traveling from out-of-state seeking the medical care they desperately need when their home states fail them.
Date | Location: April 2024, Hillrose, CO
One of many counter-programming billboards prominently displayed in Milwaukee, WI during the 2024 Republican National Convention. Despite abortion ban 'exemptions' supposedly existing for rape/incest/life threatening complications, countless women have already had their bodies compromised and lives endangered by delayed care. Excruciating pain, loss of fertility, development of autoimmune disorders, and death are just some of the prices women are now paying in the conservative pursuit of righteous religion.
Date | Location: July 2024, Milwaukee, WI
A billboard less than one mile away from one of the clinics in Omaha, NE, representative of the consistently intentional and strategic placements of anti-abortion propaganda in the immediate vacinity of the abortion clinics.
Date | Location: April 2023, Omaha, NE
Date | Location: April 2024, Hillrose, CO
The subtle tactics of advocates of bodily autonomy - a discreetly placed sticker with a QR code for real abortion resources outside of a fake clinic in Milwaukee, WI.
Date | Location: July 2024, Milwaukee, WI
While the pro-life movement frequently clings to moral superiority and religious righteousness, through the inhumane practices and maternal mortality rates dropping across the country, we must stop pretending this movement is about protecting life, when it's truly about protecting male privilege. This is not about saving babies; it's about power and control, domination over women's bodies. Taken during the 2024 RNC.
Date | Location: July 2024, Milwaukee, WI
Anti-abortion signage seen instantly upon crossing the Iowa state border from Nebraska. Patients here seeking abortion are forced to make two trips—one for in-person counseling and another at least 24 hours later for the abortion; measures like these cause immense financial burden on patients.
Date | Location: April 2023, IA West State Line
Anti-abortion propaganda signage and religious promotional materials less than a mile from an abortion clinic in Omaha, NE. Abortion is still legal for up to 12 weeks in Nebraska, but is still considered "very restrictive" according to the Guttmacher Institute.
Date | Location: April 2023, Omaha, NE
Date | Location: April 2023, IA West State Line
Date | Location: July 2024, Chesterton, IN
Date | Location: July 2024, Milwaukee, WI
Date | Location: June 2024, Wakefield, NH
A common sight along southern highways; an omnipresent christian campaign on billboards all along the arterial highways. Taken September 2023.
A silent invitation (posted to lampposts throughout the city) to young protestors, asking them to truly consider their reasons for attending the 2024 March for Life in Washington, D.C.
A silent warring of opposing opinions demonstrated in the hours after the 2024 March for Life in Washington D.C.; a quiet invitation to protestors to consider an alternative perspective, and a responsive attempt to silence it via trying to rip it off, tear it down. Taken January 2024.
A billboard outside of Cincinnati, OH, depicting the standard, religiously driven anti-abortion propaganda, consistently reminding women that their body isn't their choice. Taken September 2023.